
This volume contains the following 50 works, arranged alphabetically by authors’ last names:Asquith, Cynthia: “The Corner Shop”Benson, E. F.: “Caterpillars”Benson, E. F.: “The Face”Bierce, Ambrose: “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”Bierce, Ambrose: “The Middle Toe of the Right Foot”Blackwood, Algernon: “The Willows”Bowen, Marjorie: “Scoured Silk”Braddon, M. E.: “The Shadow in the Corner”Burke, Thomas: “The Hands of Mr. Ottermole”Burrage, A. M.: “Smee”Burrage, A. M.: “The Sweeper”Chambers, Robert W.: “The Repairer of Reputations”Cobb, Irvin S.: “Fishhead”Crawford, F. Marion: “The Screaming Skull”Daubeny, Ulric: “The Sumach”Dickens, Charles: “The Signal-Man”Doyle, Arthur Conan: “The Case of Lady Sannox”Dunsany, Lord: “Distressing Tale of Thangobrind the Jeweler”Edwards: Amelia B.: “The Four-Fifteen Express”Edwards, Amelia B.: “The Phantom Coach”Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins: “Luella Miller”Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins: “The Shadows on the Wall”Harvey, W. F.: “Across the Moors”Harvey, W. F.: “The Beast with Five Fingers”Hawthorne, Nathaniel: “The Ambitious Guest”Hawthorne, Nathaniel: “Young Goodman Brown”Hichens, Robert: “How Love Came to Professor Guildea”Hodgson, William Hope: “The Shamraken Homeward-Bounder”Jacobs, W. W.: “The Monkey’s Paw”James, Henry: “The Turn of the Screw”James, M. R.: “Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Lad”James, M. R.: “The Treasure of Abbot Thomas”Kafka, Franz: “In the Penal Colony”Keller, David H.: “The Thing in the Cellar”Kuttner, Henry: “The Graveyard Rats”Le Fanu, J. Sheridan: “Carmilla”Lovecraft, H. P.: “At the Mountains of Madness”Lovecraft, H. P.: “The Shadow Over Innsmouth”Lovecraft, H. P.: “The Call of Cthulhu”Machen, Arthur: “The Great God Pan”Nesbit, Edith: “The Shadow”O’Sullivan, Vincent: “When I Was Dead”Poe, Edgar Allan: “The Pit and the Pendulum”Poe, Edgar Allan: “The Tell-Tale Heart”Preston, Guy: “The Inn”Ronan, Margaret: “Finger Finger”Saki: “Gabriel-Ernest”Saki: “The Open Window”Steele, Wilbur Daniel: “The Woman at Seven Brothers”Stevenson, Robert Louis: “The Body-Snatcher”


Auteur(s) : Charles Dickens, Henry James, Montague Rhodes James, Mary Shelley, Edith Nesbit, H.P. Lovecraft, Joseph Sheridan le Fanu, Cynthia Asquith, E. F. Benson, Ambrose Bierce, Algernon Blackwood, A. M. Burrage, Robert W. Chambers, Irvin S. Cobb, F. Marion Crawford, Ulric Daubeny, Arthur Conan Doyle, Lord Dunsany, Amelia B. Edwards, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, W. F. Harvey, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Robert Hichens, William Hope Hodgson, W. W. Jacobs, Franz Kafka, Arthur Machen, Vincent O’Sullivan, Guy Preston, Margaret Ronan, Saki, Wilbur Daniel Steele, Robert Louis Stevenson

Publication : 22 novembre 2020

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Aucune (ePub)

Taille(s) : 1,63 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

EAN13 eBook [ePub] : 9789897788932


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