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Biodiversity conservation calls for a revolutionary approach to our relationship with nature and the living world. But it also requires completely rethinking the way we develop international policies and strategies. Drawing on numerous examples and a wealth of research from the humanities, social sciences and conservation sciences, this book offers a profoundly renewed strategic diagnosis as well as levers for activating regenerative processes to benefit the living world.


Collection : Hors collection

Auteur(s) : Hervé Brédif, Laurent Simon

Publication : 20 décembre 2023

Edition : 1ère édition

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : eBook [PDF + WEB]

Contenu(s) : PDF, WEB

Protection(s) : Aucune (PDF), DRM (WEB)

Taille(s) : 1,6 Mo (PDF), 1 octet (WEB)

Langue(s) : Anglais

Code(s) CLIL : 3290

EAN13 eBook [PDF + WEB] : 9782759238927

EAN13 (papier) : 9782759238910


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