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Grolleau Fabien

A propos de l'auteur

Fabien Grolleau was born in 1972. Although his head was full of comics projects, he pursued a career as an architect. In 2003, he founded the publishing house Vide cocagne with Thierry Bedouet. As one of the main editors, he worked on books by Thomas Gilbert, Fabrice Erre, and Fabcaro.While building his wooden cabin in the depths of Brittany, he pursued editorial opportunities for himself. In 2011, he created two volumes of "Masque du fantôme" (Delcourt, collection "Shampoo") and illustrated several collective publications: "Alimentation générale" and "Les Désobéisseurs" for Vide cocagne; "Jade" for Six pieds sous terre.In 2013, he wrote the script of "Jacques a dit" (Sarbacane), illustrated by Thierry Bedouet. For Vide cocagne, he created the collection "Épicerie fine" with Boris Mirroir. He published two series: "Muffin," on his own, and "Dum," with the comics artist Abdel de Bruxelles.In 2015, he created the series "Le Chevalier des sables" (Sarbacane) with Robin Raffalli. In 2016, the publication of "Sur les ailes du monde" (Dargaud) marked the end of a long collaboration with Jérémie Royer around the painter Jean-Jacques Audubon.In 2018, he reunited with Jérémie Royer to create a comic book about the famous English naturalist and paleontologist Charles Darwin in "HMS Beagle, aux origines de Darwin," and in 2021 they focused on the famous novelist Robert Louis Stevenson in "L'Étrange voyage de R.L. Stevenson" (Dargaud).He has numerous projects in progress both as a writer and an artist. His most recent work includes "Menji" (Dargaud, 2022; Europe Comics in English) with Mathieu Demore and "Tanger sous la pluie" (Darguad, 2022; Europe Comics in English) with Abdel de Bruxelles.
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