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Robert Maïté

A propos de l'auteur

Robert Maïté was born in 1991 in the outskirts of Paris and grew up surrounded by Uncle Scrooge magazines and the fear of the hole in the ozone layer.Passionate about drawing and stories, she studied animation at the Estienne and George Méliès schools, then started working in the industry before realizing that she would rather be a comic book artist.She decided to drop everything and launch an Instagram account where she posts about her daily life with a self-mocking sense of humor.In 2020, while going through a period of ecological introspection and very vaguely trying to quit fast food, "Mâtin, quel journal!" reached out with the offer of her own comic column. For a year, she recounted her various adventures and her journey as an eco-friendly beginner, which can now be found in the book "Procrastination écologique" ("Eco-Friendly Procrastination" in English, Europe Comics).
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