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Robledo José Manuel

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A propos de l'auteur

José Robledo was born in Madrid in 1979. Although he started by studying philosophy, followed by a course on film writing, he ended up earning a degree in fine arts from Complutense University in Madrid. There, in 2001, he met Marcial Toledano, with whom he would collaborate many times in the years to come. They've achieved great success in France with the "Ken Games" series, published by Dargaud (beginning in 2009; Europe Comics in English), which introduced them to the general public. In 2012, Robledo wrote the script for the second volume of the series "WW 2.2," also by Dargaud, and in early 2016, he began work on the Japanese mafia thriller "Tebori" (Dargaud; Europe Comics in English). In 2022, he collaborated with Toledano once more, as well as with Jain, Léa Galice, and Damien Perez, to create "CityZen" (Dupuis; Eruope Comics in English).
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