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Georges Guelfand est Managing Partner de Happy Thinking People France, société d’études qualitatives internationale. Expert reconnu des études qualitatives, il a obtenu en octobre 2013 l’Excellence Award ESOMAR « for standards of Performance in Market Research ».
De formation littéraire, psychanalytique et scientifique, il a notamment été co-fondateur d’Insight, Directeur Général Associé chez IPSOS, et Directeur Général de Synovate France. Intervenant en Université et Ecoles de commerce, il est membre fondateur du Centre International d’études et de Recherches Transdisciplinaires. Il a publié des recueils de poésie, de nombreux articles dans les revues professionnelles et deux ouvrages sur les groupes de créativité et sur les techniques projectives.
Georges Guelfand is Managing Partner of Happy People Thinking in France, a company specializing in international qualitative studies. A recognized expert in qualitative studies, in October 2013 he obtained by ESOMAR World Research the John Downham Excellence Award for Performance in Market Research.
With his literary, scientific and psychoanalytic training, he was co-founder of Insight, Managing Partner of Ipsos, and Managing Director of Synovate in France. A lecturer at Universities and Business Schools, he is a founding member of the International Centre for Trans-disciplinary Studies and Research. He has published books of poetry, numerous articles in professional journals and two books on creativity groups and projective techniques.