In Canada, one man in eight risks developing prostate cancer. It is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men. While most commonly diagnosed after age 60, prostate cancer can also occur in men in their forties and fifties. Like ofther forms of cancer, this disease affects not only the patient but also his spouse and family. At the time of the diagnosis, there are many questions that need to be answered. This book provides a simple, concice, practical guide to help patients understand prostate cancer. Now in its sixth edition, it has, over the yeats, become an indispensable reference work. Written in collatboration with Canadian medical specialists, it is an outstanding source of information on the prevention and causes of prostate cancer, its early diagnosis and the treatment option available, including their side effects and complications. This new edition looks at all the new diagnosic tools and treatments that have appeared since the last edition and that are bringing renewed hope to prostate cancer patients.