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The constant issue of society is: how can we make it better? Join Stowe’s characters as they explore and discuss almost every topic you could dream of.Through their conversations, critical social issues are revealed as they uncover religion, education, women’s suffrage, fashion, and beauty all still relevant today.Not only touching upon important and current discussions but doing so in an entertaining way, this book is great for anyone who wants to learn more about how society has both changed and stayed the same throughout history.The daughter of a Calvinist preacher, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American author and ardent abolitionist, whose most famous novel "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" became the fiercest attack on slavery at the time. Stowe’s influence reached much farther than literature, and marked politics and society, opening the world’s eyes to the horrors of slavery. Stowe also wrote travel memoirs, numerous articles, letters, and short stories.


Collection : World Classics

Auteur(s) : Harriet Beecher-Stowe

Publication : 7 octobre 2021

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)

Taille(s) : 389 ko (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

EAN13 eBook [ePub] : 9788726644371


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