
The newest edition of our market guide Selling to Mass Merchandisers and Non-Traditional Accounts in the United States provides straightforward, practical information to help Canadian publishers learn more about this competitive yet lucrative market and about the opportunities available in this sector. From highlighting the evolving nature of mass merchandising to providing guidance on approaching non-traditional options such as school libraries and print-on-demand, this guide outlines opportunities for Canadian publishers. Essential reading for anyone wanting to explore working with mass merchandisers or alternative accounts in the US.Provides up-to-the-minute information on the state of American mass merchandising and non-traditional accounts, the potential for Canadian books and the practicalities of entering these markets, as well as guidance on distribution channels and little-known opportunities. Includes listings for- Key players in the mass merchandise market- Wholesalers- Non-traditional booksellers- Book fairs and bookselling events- Print-on-demand- Alternative and additional markets, and- Other useful information


Auteur(s) : Michael Johnson

Publication : 31 décembre 2017

Intérieur : Noir & blanc

Support(s) : eBook [PDF]

Contenu(s) : PDF

Protection(s) : Marquage social (PDF)

Taille(s) : 829 ko (PDF)

Langue(s) : Anglais

EAN13 eBook [PDF] : 9781988769196


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