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Perger Stéphane

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A propos de l'auteur

Stéphane Perger is a comic book artist who published his first book, "Sir Arthur Benton," in 2005. It was an immediate hit with the public and critics alike. In 2008, he worked with with Léo Henry on a new 3-volume series, "Sequana." He also worked on the "Avengers" at Marvel Comics and took part in the "C.O.W.L." series at Image Comics, scripted by the duo Kyle Higgins and Alec Siegel. He then moved on to a variety of projects: misty detective stories with "Scotland Yard," espionage with "Complot," and SF with "Odyssée sous contrôle." Then, after the frightful "Dark Museum," he published "Brûlez Moscou" and "Les Jours incandescents" with singer Joseph d'Anvers. From 2019 to 2022, Glénat published the acclaimed "Luminary" series with Luc Brunschwig. He also creates cover illustrations for novels and fantasy literature.
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